Monday, March 19, 2012

Laws of Squirrelodynamics

Are you aware of the four major laws of squirrelodynamics?  I'm sure you will recall the first two from school...
         1.Energy cannot be destroyed.
2. Everything tends toward disorder.

But the 3rd and 4th laws were added in the last couple of years as telepathically communicated by the little squirrels! 

The third law is: There is a nut for every squirrel and a squirrel for every nut!

And the fourth law is: There is nothing NOT included in Squirreluminosity! 

 OK...  what exactly is Squirreluminosity?
Nirvana! Love! Bliss! Pure space! The All!
If you don't believe it,
just go to the park and look at the little squirrels!
Then give one a nut...

Feel the beingness of the little squirrel!  That's you!
That innocence and sweetness is who you are!  How can I say that? You're the one feeding the squirrel! It's all for you!
That's GRACE!.....
That's Squirreluminosity! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes this is a wonderful philosophy, Bless the squirrels:)

    One comment about feeding them in parks. In some places that has been the death of them. People start feeding and wanting them to be pets..pretty soon there is an over population and someone gets bit. Then the town wants to kill them all!!

    I believe in teaching kids to respect wildlife for who they are, not teach them it is OK to feed and pet them. I love the wildness of the squirrel in their natural world. I too have the urge to be their friend so I try to just be among them and observe their natural beauty. But that is just me, I know people disagree..that is being human..and it is OK:)

    Ah...but having a little disabled squirrel in my house..that is a different situation:)


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