Suddenly, Old Mr. Nutkin stated, “I believe a message is coming through from the Galactic Federation. Would you care to listen to this transmission?”
All the squirrels quieted down in anticipation of a new message.
“Oh yes, please!” they replied.
Mr. Nutkin continued, “It is time for the birthing of a new paradigm on the blue-green planet. On the winter solstice of the year 2012, an astronomical event is to occur. The axis of this planet will shift toward the center of the galaxy and the energy will begin to change. For thousands of years, this planet has carried the old frequencies of struggle and suffering. You could say that the predominant atmosphere has been one of resistance to “what is”. In the next two years we need volunteers to assist this planet in anchoring the Golden Octave of Oneness. In this new paradigm, suffering will become obsolete and war will cease. We need squirrels of all ages to ground this planet with the frequency of Unity Consciousness. As messengers of the Light, we know you are more than capable of anchoring the frequencies of Pure Love and Compassionate Service. We sign off now. In Service to the One Heart, we salute you! KLATU BARADA NIKTO!”
Nutkin’s transmission caused quite a stir among the squirrels. Every one of them wanted to jump in the ships and leave right away. Some even began donning their spacesuits.
“Brother and sister squirrels! Please! Be calm and listen!” cried Pucky. “I am happy that you are all willing to go on this cosmic adventure. However, we will need approximately half of you to remain stationed here inside the Sun. That way each one of you will be connected to a traveler-squirrel. In this way you will act as a conduit for the golden light frequency and this will stabilize the new paradigm."