Almost at 2012.... the time of the Great Unravelling, prophesied by the Star Council of Medicine Squirrels of old!!!
What an amazing time to be on planet Earth! The little squirrels all over the universe have been waiting for approximately 26,000 years for the miracle that is about to happen! The truth is about to be discovered by all of humanity! It's what the squirrels have been trying to communicate for as long as they've lived on this planet!
You have never left paradise!
Back in the beginning when Adam and Eve were sitting in the garden of Eden, you remember that the snake told Eve about the magic Apple and that if she took a bite, she would know all about "good" and "evil". No one told you about the squirrel sitting in that same tree that kept telling her "NO! Don't do it! There is no such division into parts! It's all ONE! Don't believe what the snake is telling you!"
Well, as you know, Eve didn't listen to the little squirrel and took the bite! So ever since then, we earthlings have been trying to get back to paradise! Logically, the way back would be to listen to the little squirrels! They never left paradise and know exactly how to bring everyone back!
What the little squirrels say is this: "Tap into squirreluminosity!" Why do you think that there are so many squirrels on the planet right now? It's so that everyone has a chance to make a heart connection to a little squirrel and tap into the ever present squirrelspaciousness that was, is, and will always pervade everything because it DOES! God is Reality is SquirrelSpaciousness is Love.... the stuff that includes everything and saturates everything! There is absolutely no place in the universe where there is not squirreluminosity! Even in the far reaches of our galaxy! No matter where you go, there you are: squirrelspaciousness!
The thing is that it has never not pervaded everything.... Since Adam and Eve, humans have learned to divide up the Oneness into various parts! And lo and behold we almost completely lost the ability to perceive Oneness as we did in the beginning! Throughout history, there have been a few clever ones that figured it out and tried to tell us... Jesus, Buddha, Avalokitswara. And today we are so fortunate to have many enlightened beings: Ammabhagavan, Byron Katie, Candice O'Denver, Eckhart Tolle, Jeff Foster, and Stuart Mooney to name a few! But that doesn't count the millions of squirrels who are faithfully holding the grid of Oneness in the morphogenic field! Thank goodness for their perseverance!

So now is the time to re-enter the Garden! Those with eyes shall see and those with ears shall hear this message! Remember the squirreluminosity that you are! Soothe your weary heart... just rest in a squirrel moment! Decide you can do it! Nothing can prevent you from awakening but believing in the lie of duality! Listen to the squirrels... they've never left the Garden!

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