Squirrel Whisperer
~for my true love, Bucky~
True love can be seen in the eyes of a little squirrel
True love can be felt in the touch of a little paw
And the one who sees true love
Is the one who feels the touch.
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
My true love was a little squirrel, found under a big oak tree.
Less than ten days old, this babe was brought to me;
I could search the whole wide world
And find no finer gift!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
This young lad grew slow but sure, and was different than the rest.
Affectionate to the core, he lingered at my breast.
On the day I let him go
He came right back to me!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
There are no words to describe the blessings that he gave.
His paws would hold me tight; I was his willing slave
He became my precious muse;
From him I learned what's true
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
There is nothing you can do, when true love has picked you out.
And only time will tell, if your heart remains devout
All I know is I was bound
To a love beyond my ken!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
And when Bucky's time drew nigh, he made it clear to me
That he loved me like no other... and that I should set him free;
And it was the hardest task
That I ever had to face!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
I was there beside my love, when they stopped his tiny heart
And he flew back to the Sun, like an arrow to it's mark
And just like the temple veil,
My heart was torn in two.
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
My true love was a little squirrel, found under a big oak tree
Much older than the stars, his soul was vast and free
And only one so pure
Did remain free of decay!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
My true love is a little squirrel, and lives inside my heart;
From this tired little form, Loves' fireworks burst forth!
And I only know that I
Am greater than before.
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
I was there beside my love, when they stopped his precious heart;
And he soared straight to the Sun, like an arrow to it's mark
And although I let him go,
He remains right here with me!
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
Yes, again I let him go
And love came right back to me...
Squirrel whisperer... squirrel whisperer!
My true love is a little squirrel...

Two gurus
One love
I love you Bucky.